Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Day 34 Seymour, Indiana to Parkersburg, West Virginia

Our ride this morning was nice and cool. My favorite part today was going through Cincinnati on US 50 which runs along the Ohio River. The views were pretty but there really wasn’t a safe spot to pull over and take a picture. I was worried about traffic through Cincinnati but there really wasn’t much on our route through the city.

By late afternoon the temperatures really started to climb. It was so nice when we would go through an area with a lot of trees along the road. It is amazing how shade lowers the temperatures. But the heat definitely gets to us.

Several people have asked about our behinds getting sore from all this riding. For me, it has mostly been my hands that get sore. By the time we get to the end of our riding for the day, my hips also will start hurting. Wade had his butt hurt a little at the beginning but his neck has been his biggest issue. We ride most days around 300 miles. Some days like yesterday are 350 and today was 290. That is mostly determined by where we are staying for the night. 

We left most of our camping stuff at our Missouri house this past weekend because the temperatures are just too high to camp. We don’t get our hotel until sometime during the day. We usually have an approximate location of where we want to go and at one of our stops we start looking for hotels. Most of our hotel stays have been at Hampton’s and the second is Holiday Inn Express. 

We are definitely missing the grandchildren. We FaceTime a lot but it is still not the same. Jane pulled out a tooth today. She still doesn’t have her top two teeth in yet and now she is missing one on the bottom. Definitely is snaggletooth!  Bryce is into hockey and likes to show off his skills. He likes to talk on FaceTime more than Jane. She can’t sit still. Today I did a 3-way FaceTime call with Andrea and Courtney and the kids. There were lots of laughs and I got to see Andrea’s new apartment she moved into on Monday.  

Hopefully tomorrow I will take a picture😊. We are closer to home and these are the states we have visited a lot. 

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