Sunday, July 12, 2020

Day 36 Chantilly, Ocean City Md, to home

WE DID IT!  It has taken me a couple days to post this. We put in our longest day on the motorcycles on July 9th because we really wanted to get home. 

We were up at 4 am and on the road at 5:15 am from our hotel at Washington Dulles Airport. We wanted to get through Washington DC before the traffic became too heavy. It was 70 miles across DC to the Bay Bridge.  I have been on the Bay Bridge more times than I can count but it was my first time crossing on our motorcycles. It was such a beautiful morning I wish I could have stopped and took a picture. Of course, for safety that wasn’t possible. 

Still can’t believe we drove from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. We walked on the boardwalk and went to the end of the pier. Of course I had to shop a little. There definitely were not the crowds you usually see. 

We left Ocean City and took the Coastal Hwy Rt 1 up the coast into Delaware. 

We stopped in Rehoboth Beach for an amazing meal. We had that homemade soup first and it was delicious. Then I had Caramelized Salmon and Wade had Blackened Hallibut. While we ate we decided we really wanted to get home. We weren’t sure in the heat if we could make it but figured we would just start heading home and see where we got to. 

Thankfully with taking backroads we were able to be on a lot of shaded roads that really make a difference on the heat. I definitively couldn’t do the route again. We were on so many backroads which really helped make the drive interesting. We went through Port Deposit MD which was such a pleasant surprise. What a beautiful ride and going over the dam was gorgeous!  Once we reached Rt 30 in York County we knew where we were but honestly until that point we were on roads we had never been on. We arrived home at 6:30 pm. It was a long day but boy did home look good. 

This was such an amazing site to get home too. This was my Grandma’s cactus and it normally blooms in June. But due to our cold May I didn’t put it outside until right before we left in early June. I never expected it to still be blooming when I arrived home. 

Wow that is a lot of miles in the seat on this trip. I honestly had doubts whether I could get this trip done but I made it. I had a total knee replacement in January and less than 5 months later took off on this trip. I received a handicap placard good for 6 months when I had my knee replacement. So glad I didn’t need it.  I feel so blessed that I was able to heal and complete this trip.

Home never looked so good. Wade and I had completed being though all 50 states back in 2016 when we took 5 weeks in a car and spent it on the road covering some of the western states we needed to see. We didn’t count landing in an airport as being in the state.  We had already spent significant time in each state. This trip took us on completely different routes through those states for the most part. We had been on small sections of Rt 66 and on some sections of US 50. 

So for this trip we were in 18 states and Wash DC. The states were Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.  We were through Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania twice on different routes. We visited 6 new National Parks.

Bucket List Item Completed ✔️

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