Monday, June 15, 2020

Day 12 Texas Panhandle into New Mexico

We got up before sunrise, loaded our bikes, checked out of our hotel and headed to a gas station to drink some coffee. It was a beautiful morning as the moon was in the sky and the sun was coming up. A constable stopped to talk to us. He was surprised I was riding my own motorcycle until I told him Wade scared me to ride with him 😊
Before we left Shamrock, we had to stop by the U Drop Inn Cafe. 
By the time we reached Groom TX the wind was really picking up.  We fought the wind yesterday and today ended up being just as bad. We really had to hold on to the bikes a few times. We were amused at the leaning tower.  They actually built it that way. 

In Conway TX, they have the VW Slug Bug Ranch. 😊

Then in Amarillo TX you have the Cadillac Ranch. 

The Midpoint Cafe was closed today but we happened to pull in when the owner was there. She left us in to browse the gift area and talk. She is having some rough financial times with the shutdown from the Covid 19 Virus but hopes to be able to keep the place. This cafe is the halfway point on Rt 66. 

After we reached Tucumcari New Mexico, we decided to take a side trip to Fort Sumner New Mexico. This is where Billy The Kid was shot, killed and buried. We visited the grave and went to the Billy The Kid Museum. Tonight we are staying in Fort Sumner. 
We actually saw a few motorcycles in Tucumcari but honestly we have pretty much had Rt 66 to ourselves. It has been rare to see other vehicles pass us. The road is not for the faint of heart and you have to be on your toes driving Rt 66 on a motorcycle. We couldn’t follow the route if we hadn’t purchased the app. It does a great job because after we left Illinois and Missouri the route is not marked well. And you can’t follow a book on a motorcycle so the app is the way to go. There are quite a few hazards as well because the road is old in a lot of places. For that reason I am glad we have the road to ourselves a lot. We can take our time and watch for the hazards. 

1 comment:

Ken Sklute said...

Great to see these familiar places again. I hope that the wind subsides. We had a handful of windy, WINDY days. They are not fun! Be safe out there!